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Women Executives


Jorge Cureño Rivadeneyra (Mexico City, Mexico) "Currently we have seen here in Mexico an opening in higher education for women that allows..."

Joanna Borrell (República Dominicana) "The role of a woman executive in the Dominican Republic, up to a few years ago, very little had changed..."

Stéfano Nativi Figerola (Lima, Peru) "Since this is a Latin American country, many times there are macho-type ideas as related to conducting business..."

Rossana Montalto de Talavera (Lima, Peru) "Well, the role of women in Peru. Lately is seems to me that woman achieve important positions here..."

Miluska Pérez Velásquez (Lima, Peru) "I believe that all Latin American men are a little uncomfortable negotiating on an equal basis with a woman..."


Li Li (Shanghai, China) "In China, how should I put this?... "

Thomas Zhuang (Shanghai, China) "In China, you don't drink with women..."

Ko-Nung Chen (Taipei, Taiwan) "In Taiwan, male executives and female..."

Tung-Fu Su (Gaoxiong, Taiwan) "In China's traditional business..."


Kazuko (Shizuoka, Japan) "In this respect, I think recently there have been major..."

Masayuki (Kobe, Japan) "Then shimizu says..."

Tetsuro (Tokyo, Japan) "Then tetsuro says..."

Emiko(Kyoto, Japan) "I have worked in two major fields..."

Authors: LouisPM, orkelm.