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Cultural Interviews - Topics
Click on any of the topics below and you will be taken to a page with the corresponding videos from executives from all of the languages represented.
Working w/ North Americans
- Initial Fact-Finding Phase
- Win-Win Situations
- Reacting to Initial Resistance
- Reformulating Strategies
- Ratification from Superiors
- Follow-up after Negotiations
- Logistical and Emotional Needs
- International versus Corporate Style
- Stereotype: Pushy Americans
- Stereotype: Short-Termed Focus
- Stereotype: Limited Cultural Knowledge
- Stereotype: Always in a Hurry
- Stereotype: Data versus Relationships
- Stereotype: Litigious in Nature
Professional Activities
- Communication Style
- Type of Office
- Government and Politics
- Ability versus Connections
- Race, Color, and Gender
- Women Executives
- Loyalty to Self versus Company
- Working in Groups
- Responsibility to Society versus Investors
- Role of Lawyers
- Getting Side-Tracked
- Putting Things in Writing
- Mixing Business and Pleasure
Language Issues
- Which Language to Speak
- Buy in Any Language, Sell in Theirs
- Use of Interpreters
- Saying 'I Don't Know'
- Saying 'Yes' or 'No'
- Avoid Offending Others
Social Situations
- Formal and Informal Language
- Greeting Others
- Gift Giving
- Non-Drinkers and Vegetarians
- Invitations to a Home
- Clothing and Dress
- Names and Titles
- Academic Degrees
- Professional versus Personal Life
- Machismo
Time and Scheduling
Authors: orkelm.