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ES Time is Money

They say that 'Time is Money.' How much does that apply to professional activities in your country?

Carlos Romero Uscanga (Xalapa, Mexico) "OK, I have heard people who are not from Mexico, when there is a group of Mexicans..."

Alejandro Octavio Aguilera (Monterrey, Mexico) "It is very important to be punctual for business appointments. This is generally the case..."

Julio Balestrini Ponce (Lima, Peru) "Like... a long time ago there was a joke about what was called Peruvian time. Peruvian..."

Mario Espinosa Yabar (Lima, Peru) "I believe that the idea "time is money" here applies more to that which is related..."

Ysabella Castro Bilancieri (Caracas, Venezuela) "OK, in our country you do hear a lot the expression, "time is money." Nevertheless..."

Authors: h.brinsko.