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Julio Balestrini Ponce Time Is Money

YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6Af5NeeQ_0


Como... hace tiempo existía una broma que se refería a la hora peruana. La hora peruana anteriormente se interpretaba con, que si yo asumía un compromiso a las 8:00 en la mañana, podría llegar a las 8:15 y nadie me iba a decir nada. Eso es algo que ya ha cambiado mucho en este país. Principalmente orientado a lo que son negocios, si estamos hablando de hacer negocios en este país, creo yo que se respeta mucho la hora de una cita. Las cosas sociales, los asuntos sociales, generalmente tienen un poco más de libertad en cuanto al horario de una cita concertada previamente. Una cosa también que es conveniente tener en cuenta es que depende del nivel social y cultural de la persona con la que se va a tener una reunión para estar o no seguro de que va a llegar a la hora de la cita. Si estamos hablando de una persona de un nivel cultural y social desde medio hacia alto, es muy probable que la cita se de a la hora que se había concertado. Si es lo contrario, podríamos esperar posiblemente unos cuantos minutos de retraso.


Like... a long time ago there was a joke about what was called Peruvian time. Peruvian time used to be thought of as, if I had an appointment at 8:00 o'clock, I could arrive at 8:15 and nobody would say anything. This is something that has changed a lot in this country. Especially as related to business, if we are talking about doing business in this country, I believe that people respect the appointment times. In social things, in social topics, there is generally a little more freedom as related to a previously made appointment. Another thing that is good to have in mind is that it depends on the social and cultural level of the person with whom you are going to have a meeting to be sure of not if that person is going to arrive on time for the appointment. If we are talking about a person with a mid to high social or cultural level, it is very likely that the appointment will be at the time that it was arranged for. If that isn't the case, you could possibly have to wait and be delayed for a few minutes.

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Authors: LouisPM, h.brinsko, orkelm.