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ES Names and Titles
What should a foreigner know about the use of names and titles in your country?
Gabriel Díaz Chávez (Mexico City, Mexico) "I believe that in this case, it is important that people when they meet between Mexicans..."
Jorge Cureño Rivadeneyra (Mexico City, Mexico) "Currently our president of Mexico is a Ph.D. in economy. And you hear many, people..."
Alvaro Gonzalo de Ugarte Serra (Santiago, Chile) "Well, in the case of Chile one doesn't use professional titles when talking to people..."
Fernando Talavera de la Fuente (Lima, Peru) "This is a hard question to answer so simply. Here in Peru it can vary a lot. First of all..."
Andrés Alberto Vargas Alfaro (Lima, Peru) "OK, here in Peru, normally a person has two names and two surnames that are..."
Juan M. Incháustegui (Lima, Peru) "As to titles, in Peru generally one doesn't use "Licenciado" for anyone who has a..."
Authors: h.brinsko.