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ES Working in Groups
How much emphasis is given to the importance of working in groups or teams, as opposed to an individual focus?
Carlos Romero Uscanga (Xalapa, Mexico) "Well, in Mexico there is a very unique situation. We belong to a society in which we like to be in groups..."
Alejandro Ernesto Magdits (Lima, Peru) "The way you work, individually or in a group, will depend a lot on the job in itself..."
Mario Espinosa Yabar (Lima, Peru) "In Peru there is a very strong tendency to work in teams, in work groups. The basic idea is..."
Paul Barclay Rey de Castro (Lima, Peru) "Working in teams is important, we are continually depending on the dimensions of the work..."
Juan Carlos Garmendia Mora (San Cristobal, Venezuela) "Lately in Venezuela we have seen a tendency to change going from working individually to..."
Authors: h.brinsko.