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RU Initial Fact-Finding Phase
Prior to actual negotiations it is important to conduct initial fact-finding of information. What is your normal patter of initial research and fact-finding? How do you modify this pattern when negotiating with North Americans? What is your perception of a North American’s pattern of initial research and fact-finding?
Alexander S. (Minsk, Belarus) "My business partners are located in Eastern Europe and Russia, as well as in North America..."
Elena D. (Saratov, Russia) "Before the actual negotiations we gather information. Basically we collect information via the Internet."
Vladimir M. (Saratov, Russia) "First of all, I would like to say some words, since we are talking about specific of holding negotiations..." (Note: no transcription here, but YouTube video has closed captions.)
Sergei U. (Saratov, Russia) "If we are talking about the collection of information for negotiations..."
Authors: orkelm.