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TR Reformulating Strategies
During negotiations it is usually necessary to reformulate strategies and positions. Is there anything unique about the ways in which you reformulate strategies or make concessions when dealing with North Americans? What have you observed about North American's way of making concessions and reformulating strategies?
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Ahmet Deniz (Samsun, Turkey) "The business meetings are conducted in a certain format between us and the foreigners in general..."
Ercüment Kılıçbay (Ankara, Turkey) "As to meetings, at the end of the initial meetings, when the final meetings start..."
Şengül Şimşek (Ankara, Turkey) "The most important point for us is to attract the client to our firm..."
Çetin Özataç (Ankara, Turkey) "In meetings that we have with our clients in general, our friends who represent us are authorized..."
Authors: h.brinsko.