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Yumi Riley Pushy Americans

YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rMQKrwPA1s




Regarding American businessmen being generally unhesitatingly pushy or very direct—you could say overpowering—in my opinion, certainly I think that this is a good and effective tendency in doing business among Americans. However, as business becomes more global, in the situations where businesses have to proceed, not only among Americans and Europeans but also among countries from all over the world including Asia, I think there might be cases in which [American directness] is, I might say, a disadvantage, or it might appear to be a negative thing. This is something I think they have to be very careful of, and I’m not so sure if Americans are all that self-conscious of that. Well, from my own experiences it depends on the person, but I think this is an area they should pay more attention to.

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Authors: LouisPM, h.brinsko, orkelm.