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Takamasa Miyauchi Government and Politics
YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uXOC0YNX9g
This is, um… if both parties are fellow country men, I think it doesn't matter at all if they talk about things like government or economics. However, if they're from different countries, um, to the extent that you can, it's probably best to avoid discussing the other person's domestic affairs—in other words, governmental or economic issues—because after all [when discussing] the basis of the various issues of different country, you know them—you of course don't really know them. And, as for the religion question, this is also, the religion issue is not related to nationality, or, for example if both are Cath… Catholic or both are Muslims, if both belong to the same religion I think there's absolutely no problem with discussing issues of religion. Although, if the parties are from different religions, it's best to avoid talking about religious issues, especially in a business setting. Soon after I started working, I was told very quickly by my seniors to never discuss governmental or religious issues.
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Authors: LouisPM, h.brinsko, orkelm.