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Stéfano Nativi Figerola Non-Drinkers and Vegetarians

YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oRWNJMickY


Yo creo que no hay problema al respecto. Bueno hay cierto países, bueno localmente, se suele tomar a veces ir a reuniones, invitar al extranjero ir a tomar un trago. Y se suele invitar tragos también, ¿no?, licor. Ahora no necesariamente hay que aceptarlo. Decir con un simple "no gracias, no acostumbro tomar." No se va a herir acá sentimientos, y no habría problemas al respecto, en general, en general. En cuanto a ser vegetariano, yo creo que es algo absolutamente normal. Acá no habría problema, la gente quizás se puede reír un poco, o quizás decir "pero bueno, ¿Porque no, nunca has probado un buen bistec? ¿Como puedes vivir sin un bistec?" Pero en realidad eso no afecta absolutamente la relación que pueda haber entre una persona que venga del extranjero y su contraparte local.


There is really no problem with this. Of course there are certain countries, well, locally, where people sometimes drink at meetings, or they invite a foreigner to go out for a drink and they invite you to drink liquor too, right? But you don't really have to accept it. Just say a simple "No thank you, I don't drink." You're not going to hurt any feelings here and in general there won't be any problems. As to being a vegetarian, I believe that this is something that is absolutely normal. Here there is no problem. People here might laugh a little, or they might say something like, "Well, maybe you just haven't tried a good steak. How could you live without a steak?" But really it won't affect the relationship between the foreign person who comes here and the local counterpart at all.

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Authors: LouisPM, h.brinsko, orkelm.