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Shoji Onishi Names and Titles

YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pq8STWRqjkA




Well, in Japanese society, when we address people by name, we use their last names in most cases. I believe that times when you use first names is probably more among close friends, and I would say that it is especially more popular among females. However, in Japanese society we do not address others by their first names like happens in business settings in the U.S. Especially we never address our clients by their first names. Of course if foreigners did such things to their clients, the clients would be surprised, but I believe that their actions would be accepted. Yet, among Japanese people, when they introduce themselves, they definitely give their last names. The other person does the same. Well, as for the first name, we do not usually ask. Furthermore, in Japan there are various titles, we have various ways to attach titles to their names. For example, there are titles like, "-sama (Mr./Mrs.)" attached like "Katoo-sama," "Katoo-kakarichoo (subsection chief)," "Katoo-buchoo (department head)," etc. In order to explain when "-sama" is used, well, we use "-sama" when we show humility towards the other. For example, when sending a letter to someone, "-sama" is attached like "Katoo-sama," "Satoo-sama," and so on. I think this is almost all the time without exceptions. And a title is added like "Katoo-buchoo-sama," "Satoo-buchoo-sama," when we talk to people with a title in the business world. There is no such custom when talking among friends. Then we just use "-san (Mr./Mrs.)" like "Katoo-san," "Satoo-san," etc.

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Authors: LouisPM, h.brinsko, orkelm.