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Şengül Şimşek Time Is Money

YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLAj3FXxhgk


Zaman is hayatinda en onemli kavramlardan bir tanesidir. Urununuz cok kaliteli olabilir, fakat urununuzu zamaninda teslim edemiyorsaniz, hizmetiniz kalitesiz demektir. Bu nedenle, orda da ornek verildigi uzere zaman paradir deyimi cok dogrudur. Mesela , Avrupali ve Amerikali musterilerimizin bir takim anlasmalari mevcuttur. Bunlar su tarihte urunlerini firmaya teslim etmek zorundalar. Biz zamaninda teslim edemedigimiz takdirde onlar da zamaninda teslim edemeyecekler ve bu nedenle bir takim cezaya carptirilacaklar. Bu cezai mueyyideler de zaman esittir para deyimini bir nebze dogrulamaktadir. Zamaninda teslimat Avrupali ve Amerikali musteriyle calismak istiyorsaniz, en onemli faktorlerden bir tanesidir. Biz zamani olcmek icin bir takim processler kullaniyoruz. Mesela zamanda nerde aksaklik oluyor, zamaninda teslimat yapip yapamayacagimizi olcmek adina sirketimizde bir takim processler mevcuttur. Bu processleri takip eden ve bunlarin isleyisinde herhangi bir aksaklik olmadigini gozlemleyen yetkili kisiler vardir. Burda herhangi bir aksaklik sozkonusu oldugunda da bu kisiler aninda mudahale ederler.


Time is one of the most important things in business life. Your product may be of very high quality, but if you cannot deliver your product on time, this means that your service is not of high quality. For that reason, as given in the example over there, the saying time is money is very true. For example, our American and European clients have certain agreements. They have to deliver their products at a certain date to the company. If we cannot deliver it on time, they, in return, cannot deliver it on time either and they will be charged for that. These charges and fines prove the correctness of the time equals to money phrase to some extent. On time delivery is one of the most important factors if you would like to work with European and American clients. We use certain processes to measure the time. For instance, what kind of problems do we have in timing? To estimate whether we will be able to do on time delivery or not, we have certain processes in our company. There are authorized personnel to observe these processes and check whether there is a malfunction or not. If a malfunction happens, they intervene immediately.

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Authors: LouisPM, h.brinsko, orkelm.