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Ömer Yüksel Sümer Business and Food
YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMnKIQmQ3wo
Ulkemizde calisan kisilerin ve calisan guruplarin 12:00 ile 1:00 , 12:30-13:30 arasi bir saatlik yemek molasi yahut ihtiyac molasi seklinde degerlendirdikleri bir zaman dilimi vardir. Bu zaman diliminde isler durur ve kisiler kendi ozel sorunlarini cozerler. Ilk planda yemek olayini gundeme getirirler. Bu yemek olayi ya calisan firma yemekhanesinde uretilir, yahut da disardan satin alinir. Bunun disinda da yemek ihtiyaclarini gidermek amaciyla, personele ticket gibi ve benzeri yiyecek satin alabilecekleri ve bu ihtiyaci giderebilecekleri olanaklar sunulur. Calisma suresi Turkiye’de gunluk 7 saattir. Bir saat de yemek molasini kattiginiz zaman, bu sure 8 saat olarak gundeme gelir. Yani 8:30’da baslayan bir calisan 17:30 itibariyle isini bitirmis olur. Bir de bunun disinda vardiyeli calisma sistemleri vardir. Vardiyeli calisma sistemleri de 8:00-16:00, 16:00-24:00, 24:00-08:00 gibi guruplarla calismalarini baslatirlar ve tamamlarlar.
The employees in our country have a time period that is considered as a lunch break or a break for needs. Between 12 and 1 pm or 12:30 and 1:30 pm. During this time period, the work stops and people solve their own problems. They first try to have food. This food is prepared either at the cafeteria of the company or is bought from the outside. In addition, to solve their humanly needs, the personnel are given a ticket or options. The work time in Turkey is 7 hours. When you add a one hour lunch break, it comes to 8 hours. That is, an employee who starts at 8.30 finishes his work at 17:30 . In addition, there is also a work system with shifts. In these systems there are three groups as 8:00-16:00, 16:00-24:00, 24:00-08:00.
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Authors: LouisPM, h.brinsko, orkelm.