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Makoto Takahashi Short-Termed Focus
YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5cO7rMKFnI
Regarding the opinion that American businessmen only focus on short-term perspective and on making quick money, I think it is correct in many cases. I will describe my thoughts in simple term as to what this means and the differences between Japanese and Americans. Japanese companies or Japanese people always think a lot about whether or not we can make profit in the very end in the long term. For example, it is often the case where we start building a relationship or business after estimating how the relationship with this company will be developing and how much profit we will be making one year later, two years later, or three years later, or how this company will have expanded and how transactions (between us) will have grown after 10 years. And particularly, the bigger the company we start business with, the stronger the tendency will be. Therefore, We often make a judgment and proceed with business at a rate based on the idea that it is important to start a relationship and take the first steps even with a business that makes almost no profit or which initially even appears to lose money. Therefore, I think this opinion is correct.
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Authors: LouisPM, h.brinsko, orkelm.