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M. Vedat Melik Time Is Money
YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucokBw32iw0
Simdi ulkemizde ve saniyorum yabanci ulkelerde soyle bir kanaat var. Sanki yabanci ulkelerde zaman cok onemlidir de, Turkiye’de degildir gibi bir kanaat vardir, ama ben buna cok katilmiyorum. Zaten yabanci firmayla Turkiye’de ortaklik yapabilecek, ortak yatirim yapabilecek firmanin, Turk firmasi da dunyadaki olculere uygun bir firmadir. Yani zaman kavramini cok iyi bilen firmalardir. Dolayisiyla ulkemizde de zaman gercekten cok onemlidir. Ayrica bir yatirim gorusmelerinin fazla uzamasi, o yatirimi geciktirecegi icin belki o yatirimin onemini kaybetmesine veya pazarini kaybetmesine de sebebiyet verebilir.
Well, I think both in our country and in foreign countries there is an assumption like this: Time is very important in foreign countries but not so much in Turkey. However, I do not agree with this so much. Because, a firm that can investment with a foreign company is already up to the world standards. That is, they are the companies that know the importance of time. Therefore, time is also very important in Turkey. In addition, extending the time of investment meetings would perhaps cause the investment to lose its importance or its market.
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Authors: LouisPM, h.brinsko, orkelm.