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Kentaro Asai Saying 'Yes' or 'No'

YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnnW2i1mO-M




In Japan, it is generally thought that there is a tendency to, um, not clearly say ‘yes’ or ‘no’, but, well, umm, I don’t really think this is so. [Referring to the belief that Japanese] don’t really say yes or no, at least in a business context, well, saying yes or no becomes an extremely important thing, after all. But, that yes or no depends on the timing and situation, and it’s not necessarily always the case that ‘yes’ and ‘no’ mean only that. I think it is possible for there to be cases in which these words have opposite meanings.

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Authors: LouisPM, h.brinsko, orkelm.