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Isamu Maruyama Mixing Business and Pleasure

YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sssJGW3550Q




Let's see, well, not being able to mix business with social life or pleasure, I feel that they are fairy strictly divided in Japan. For example, when going on a business-related trip in the U.S. and the West, if it is in the West, I hear that people often add their own holidays or invite their own family members to come. But in Japan, that would be outrageous. It is not common. When you go on a business trip, it means a business trip only, and you come back after working. It is not very common to take your own vacation and add to it. I think these are firmly distinguished. Regarding other things like social life, one's pleasure, and personal interests etc. do not go together, and we tend to divide them clearly. Well, I do not know about other companies, but speaking from my own experiences, that's the way it is.

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Authors: LouisPM, h.brinsko, orkelm.