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Hiroaki Murakami Non-Drinkers and Vegetarians

YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bCJY7a_P6U




In Japan drinking alcohol is important in the sense of deepening a friendship. I feel that in Japan those who can drink and those who are good at karaoke have an advantage. You can refuse a drink when others are drinking. However, you see, I think that compared to those who do drink or those who are good at karaoke, etc., in this respect their impression of you will be less. And if you go out in the countryside, a distinctive feature like that will be even more evident. So, as you see, those who drink a lot or who are good a karaoke will have an advantage. As for vegetarians, being a vegetarian and refusing a drink are very different. I think that you will be accepted without any problem if you say that you do not eat meat because you are a vegetarian. However, I think that it is very difficult to eat vegetarian food in Japan in eating situations.

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Authors: LouisPM, h.brinsko, orkelm.