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Fumiaki Nakayasu Academic Degrees

YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKSd0visLCA




In Japan, traditionally which university you have graduated from has been emphasized because which school you enter is thought of as showing how much ability, how much ability and how much effort you exerted until you turned 18 or 19 years old. And this is also thought of as your potential when you are acquiring new abilities or new knowledge in the future. Therefore, such things were important, yet, the degrees had controversial aspects, too. For example, just because you have an economics degree, it does not mean that you are going to engage in an accounting job, but there are many occasions where you will work in sales. I think Japanese people doubted a bit how much your major, the major that you studied at school, could be really relate to actual business or actual society. However, this tendency has been changing recently. I think that nowadays the company that makes you write which school you graduated from and what your undergraduate degree was is almost disappearing from your resume. However, what you have studied and how your specialty will affect your work are especially stressed. For example, there is a tendency where people who have lived in the U. S., or abroad, or something like that are preferred.

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Authors: LouisPM, h.brinsko, orkelm.