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Emiko Koishi Gift Giving

YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWBOlaPx_wc




Cases when it is alright to receive a gift, I think it is alright to receive a gift when someone gives you something as a gift. If the gift is something very expensive, then a problem may occur later, so I think it might be better to decline that gift. However, in most cases, I think there won't be any problem for receiving a gift with "thank you." What would you do in return? If you have prepared in advance, it is different, but it is not necessary to go and get something in a hurry right then. There will be another opportunity to meet the person again. So you should remember about this in such an occasion and you could prepare to give a small gift then. I think that would be appropriate. Usually such a present, if it is a small thing, I think it plays a role of facilitating smooth business talk during various negotiations and so on. I think declining a gift saying "no" would create an uncomfortable situation. Therefore I think it is better to receive a gift.

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Authors: LouisPM, h.brinsko, orkelm.