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Claudia Vila Saying 'Yes' or 'No'

YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BJCLY1N9C4


Bueno, las negociaciones generalmente no se da una respuesta directa en el caso como puede ser en Estados Unidos que sea un "sí" y un "no." Generalmente puede ser un "tal vez," "puede ser," "vamos a ver," "ya me ve en la próxima semana y conversamos." Entonces, es cuando de repente se quiere dar inicio a un "no" puede ser, ¿no? Entonces yo pienso que tendría que estar esperando la persona, en este caso el americano, unas, dos o tres oportunidades antes de poder recibir una respuesta específica.


OK, generally during negotiations one doesn't give a direct answer in this case as one might find the United States with a "yes" or "no." Generally it's more like "maybe," "could be," "let's see," "I'll see you next week and we'll talk." So it's like if all of a sudden you want to say no, you start out with maybe, right? So I think you'd have to wait for the person, in this case an American, some two or three chances before getting a specific answer.

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Authors: LouisPM, h.brinsko, orkelm.