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Çetin Özataç Time Is Money
YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4ehSIXKVNM
Zaman yonetimi Turkiye’de bence en buyuk problemlerden birisi ki, bir cok insan boyle bir problem oldugunun farkinda bile degil. Sadece bir takim islerin coklugundan,agirligindan yakinip dururken, aslinda zamani nasil yonettiginin, yonetemediginin farkinda degil. Simdi yine ben bir Amerikan orijinli firmada calistigim icin, Coca-Cola’da calistigim icin bununla ilgili bir cok egitim aldim. Sadece ben almadim. Bu sirkette calisan butun insanlar zamanini iyi yonetme konusunda egitim aliyorlar. Bunun icin de en onemli sey isleri planlamak ve isleri uygularken de o plana gore gidip gitmedigini kontrol etmek . Yani ilk olarak zaman yonetimiyle ilgili soyleyecegim sey bu. Ama bu turde calisan sirketler birazcik sinirli sayida. Genelde calisma hayatinda gordugum diger sirketlerin elemanlarinin herhangi bir plani yok. Gune baslarken bile yok, birakiniz orta ve uzun vadeli planlari. Gune baslarken plani otomatik olarak bir gun onceden gelen istek ve sikayetlere dayali. Onun haricinde herhangi bir sey planlanmis degil. Yine gorusme yapilirken, ne tur gorusme yapilacak, ne tur bilgiler yaninda olmasi gerekir, bu tur aliskanliklar da yok. Daha cok duygusal olarak baslayarak, duygusal olarak sonuclandirmaya gidilir ki, bunun sonunda facia ortaya cikar. Cunku musteriyle konusurken, musterinin ne sattigini, ne ciro yaptigini bilmeyen, bizim ondan ne kadar kar ettigimizi bilmeyerek, onla is gorusmesi, is pazarligi yapan satici arkadaslar da vardir. Tabii ki bunu bilmedigi icin, bunu tam kendisi hissettigini zanneder ama elinde somut datalar olmadigindan faciayla sonuclanan sozlesmelere de imza atabilir.
<span style="line-height: 1.5;">Managing time is one of the biggest problems in Turkey that a number of people are not aware of it. While he is complaining about the workload, he is not even aware of how he is managing or not managing the time. Now, since I work at an American originated company, Coca-Cola, I have received a good deal of training about this. All of the personnel in this company receive training about managing the time. For this, the important thing is planning the jobs to do, and while doing the jobs, checking if the schedule is being followed. That is, the first thing that I can say about the time management is this. However, the companies working this way are limited a bit. In general the employees of other companies that I come across in work life do not have any certain plans. Not even daily plans when they start the day, save the long term plans. When they begin the day, their plan is dependent upon the requests and complaints from the previous day. Other than that, nothing is really planned. Again, when one is doing a meeting, there are no habits such as what kind of a meeting it will be and what sort of information is needed. Mostly, people approach the job emotionally and continue that way, and at the end they end up with a disaster. Because, there are salesmen friends who do not know what the client sells, how much turnover he has, and how much of a profit we make through him; but they still conduct the meeting that way. Of course, since he does not exactly know it, he depends on his feelings. Yet, since he does not have concrete data, he may sign agreements that end with a catastrophe.</span>
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Authors: LouisPM, h.brinsko, orkelm.