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Carmen Gioliana Vila Raguz Mixing Business and Pleasure

YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmhbiWDVupQ


Bueno, no es bueno mezclar el negocio con el placer. Por ejemplo lo que se refiere a mi área, en turismo, si yo tengo un contacto con una persona que me va a mandar clientes. Y por ejemplo hablamos de negocios, del trato que vamos a hacer, no nos podemos mezclar inmediatamente para salir, por ejemplo, a bailar, cenar, ¿no? No se acostumbra. O sea, eso ya viene posteriormente si es que las relaciones siguen de más en lo que se refiere a negocios, ¿no?


OK, it isn't good to mix business with pleasure. For example in my area of tourism, if I have contact with a person who is going to send me clients and for example, we talk about business, the way we deal with each other, we can't then immediately mix it up by going out, for example, to dance or to dinner, right? That wouldn't be normal. That is, that would come later if the relationship continues to be more than just that of business, right?

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Authors: LouisPM, h.brinsko, orkelm.