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Andrés Alberto Vargas Alfaro Ability versus Connections
YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsJmW6SpxH8
Perú, Lima
En empresas peruanas, la idiosincrasia misma de las personas evitan contratar gente de la misma familia porque hay dichos acá en el Perú donde dicen que es malo meterse con familiares en una empresa. Sin embargo, esto es relativo. Por lo menos hay mucha libertad y todo esto depende de la familia misma, si desea contratar gente que son familiares. No es necesariamente prohibido o mal entendido contratar gente que sean hermanos, tíos. Uno es libre de optar lo que uno desea, ¿no?
In Peruvian companies, one of the idiosyncrasies of people here is to avoid hiring people from the same family because there are even sayings here in Peru that say that it is bad to mix family in a business. Nevertheless, this is relative. There is a lot of liberty in this and it all depends on the family itself, if they what to hire people within the family. It isn't necessarily prohibited or taken wrong when people hire, for example brothers, uncles. Everyone is free to choose as they would like.
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Authors: LouisPM, h.brinsko, orkelm.